[SAC] [OSGeo] #2311: SSL certificate for www.gdal.org is invalid

OSGeo trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
Mon May 27 04:34:13 PDT 2019

#2311: SSL certificate for www.gdal.org is invalid
 Reporter:  rouault        |       Owner:  sac@…
     Type:  task           |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal         |   Milestone:
Component:  Systems Admin  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                 |

Comment (by robe):

 Okay not entirely satisfied with the solution I came up with.

 I created a new www.gdal.org conf in web18a.osgeo.osuosl.org which does a
 permanent redirect to https://gdal.org

 and then got a letsencrypt cert for www.gdal.org and in the generated file
 also set it to do a permanent redirect to https://gdal.org

 At first I thought it wasn't working cause my browser was cached so it was
 pointing at www.osgeo.org.

 Seems to be fine now though - at least when looking at another computer.

 Can someone check out and see if it behaves as desired and close out.

 I'd eventually like to move the redirect to osgeo7 since there is no point
 on it being on this server if it isn't using wordpress for redirect and I
 don't really like using wordpress for site redirects.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2311#comment:3>
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