[SAC] [OSGeo] #2511: Mail accounts (no alias) for FOSS4G domain

OSGeo trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
Fri Sep 25 10:50:39 PDT 2020

#2511: Mail accounts (no alias) for FOSS4G domain
 Reporter:  Delawen        |       Owner:  sac@…
     Type:  task           |      Status:  new
 Priority:  critical       |   Milestone:  Unplanned
Component:  Systems Admin  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:                 |

Comment (by robe):

 Some questions

 1) Do you need to keep the emails you sent? -- if you do I think you need
 a POP account which is what GMAIL provides along side with the SMTP.

 2) If you are already using GMAL have you considered just queuing your
 mail (that is what I have done before to stay under GMAIL limits - like
 send 50 every minute.

 3) I presume since you are using GmAil you already have script to send
 these emails? or are you using gmail mailbox and putting lots in the TO/CC

 3) If someone replies to email then makes sense all designated will get
 it. - this Vicky has already started doing -- setting up Group accounts on
 our Pairs DNS so that way the mail when replied to will be sent to people
 on mailer.

 I'm assuming
 1) No
 2) you have not tried doing that
 3) Yes
 4) Yes

 So my proposal is the following

 Plan A (assumes you don't need to keep track of the actual email sent)

 1) Use mail.osgeo.org for smtp and will put in an SPF record on foss4g so
 that mail.osgeo.org can send on behalf of foss4g domain

 2) Set up mail groups in foss4g pairs -- that Vicky has started doing but
 she doesn't want to do any more if that is not going to be used.

 3) Have some script to send via SMTP that has from: and reply-to go back
 to the group email
  - a simple php script would work for this.

 Plan B:

 1) Use Gmail continue to.
 2) Add SPF for foss4g to allow mail to be sent by GMAIL
 3) Set up mail groups in foss4g pairs -- that Vicky has started doing but
 she doesn't want to do any more if that is not going to be used.
 4) PHP script and job scheduler like cronjob to send emails only X mails
 per minute.  This will keep your mailings under Gmail limit.  The PHP
 script would set the reply-to to the foss4g group email so if someone
 replies it gets sent to designated person

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2511#comment:16>
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