[SAC] [Hosting] Unplanned Power Event

Lance Albertson lance at osuosl.org
Sun Aug 1 12:28:52 PDT 2021

I got word that this outage was more campus wide which included impacting
the OpenCompute hosts. I went through those hosts and ensured they are back
online but let me know if I missed anything.

OSU will be sending in a tech in a few days to see why the UPS didn't fail
over properly in our primary datacenter which caused the power event. I'm
also going to spot check a few hosts' power when I go in on Tuesday to
ensure power is split properly between the power feeds. If you had any
hosts that went down with dual power, please let me know ASAP so I can add
it to the list of hosts to check.

Thanks for your patience!

On Sun, Aug 1, 2021 at 8:15 AM Lance Albertson <lance at osuosl.org> wrote:

> It seems as though we had an unplanned power event that happened in our
> primary data center early this morning at 3:03AM PDT (1003 UTC) that
> affected one of the two power feeds. Virtually every system that has a dual
> power supply should have remained online. The one exception is some systems
> located in a row that are only being fed by that power feed which include:
> - power8-aix
> - pieta.debian.org
> - gcc2-power8
> - All Buildbot/RTEMS systems
> - gcc113
> - gcc114
> - gcc115
> - gcc116
> - gcc117
> - gcc118
> I believe every system that we monitor should be back online but there
> might be others we aren't monitoring that are still down. If that's the
> case, please send an email to support and we'll take a look at it as soon
> as possible.
> I'm still waiting to hear back about what happened and why it happened and
> will pass that information along once I learn more.
> Thanks for your patience.
> --
> Lance Albertson
> Director
> Oregon State University | Open Source Lab

Lance Albertson
Oregon State University | Open Source Lab
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