[SAC] [Hosting] OSUOSL IRC channels moving to irc.libera.chat

Lance Albertson lance at osuosl.org
Wed May 19 11:40:34 PDT 2021

As many of you might have noticed, there has been some shifting around with
the Freenode IRC network in the past few days [1][2]. This has resulted in
a number of Freenode staff members resigning and starting a new IRC network.

Considering the future status of Freenode and given the track record of the
folks involved with the new network called Libera Chat [3], we've decided
that we're moving #osuosl (and any other related channels) over to

We'll keep the Freenode channels alive for a little while longer but intend
to close them down within a month or so. For those interested, we are
considering spinning up a Matrix server at some point to provide a more
rich chat experience but for now we still use IRC for most of our
communication with FOSS projects.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know otherwise we'll
see you on Libera Chat in #osuosl!


[1] https://kline.sh
[2] https://lwn.net/Articles/856543/
[3] https://libera.chat/

Lance Albertson
Oregon State University | Open Source Lab
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