[SAC] Configuring IP addresses on baremetal machines

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Fri Feb 18 10:55:48 PST 2022

> I just noticed that while osgeo7 has IP addresses explicitly configured
> netplan, osgeo4 only obtains the IP via DHCP.
> Is there any reason for this inconsistency ?
> I'm asking because for deploying the machines via ansible it is useful to
> explicit, or we'd need different rules for dev environment than for
> production environment.
> --strk;
>   Libre GIS consultant/developer
>   https://strk.kbt.io/services.html
[Regina Obe] 

The only reason is laziness on my part.
When OSUOSL sets up a machine for us, they set it to DHCP out of

If the machine has more than one IP, then DHCP doesn't work, so then I reset
it up with netplan as I did with osgeo7 and osgeo3.

I think osgeo4, osgeo8, and osgeo9 are probably all set to DHCP cause they
have only one IP.

I'm fine with you standardizing to always use netplan.  I was thinking each
server should probably have at least 2 ips dedicated anyway to simplify
moving things around in the future.

I forget how we do that.  I think OSUOSL has a set of ips set aside for us,
though since the containerization effort, a lot of those ips we don't use
We should probably find out from OSUOSL if those are still available to us.

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