[SAC] PSC Vote: System Contract 2022-2 extension

Martin Spott Martin.Spott at mgras.net
Sat Jul 23 12:32:27 PDT 2022

"Regina Obe" wrote:
> I have put together an extension contract
> https://nextcloud.osgeo.org/f/6555200
> It's the same as the existing contract, so work to be completed by Dec 31st,
> 2022 and items to be worked on 
> Flagged as
> https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=reopene
> d&milestone=Sysadmin+Contract+2022-II
> But extends the funds from 50 hrs to 100hrs. 
> +1 from me.
> Thanks,
> Regina

May I? ....


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