[SAC] [Hosting] UNPLANNED: Ganeti hypervisor node reboot

Lance Albertson lance at osuosl.org
Sat Jul 30 18:23:11 PDT 2022


One of our production Ganeti nodes (gprod3) decided to reboot on its own
for some reason. All of the VMs should be back online but you might double
check that your services are running properly. There was a thundering herd
problem after the node booted where most of the VMs decided to do a file
system check and caused high I/O. I had a few VMs had problems with
services such as polkit timing out causing other issues on the VMs. A
reboot of those VMs seems to have fixed the issue.

The list of affected VMs are the following:

    - chiral.oftc.net
    - civicrm.osm.osuosl.org
    - lf-bugs.osuosl.org
    - lf-lists.osuosl.org
    - mageiavm.osuosl.org
    - ntpsec-service3.osuosl.org
    - osu1php.osuosl.org
    - web3.osuosl.org
    - www1.phpbb.com

If you have any other issues related to this, please send an email to


Lance Albertson
Oregon State University | Open Source Lab
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