[SAC] [MOTION] refresh SAC LDAP group: vote to remain !

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Wed Sep 7 14:53:59 PDT 2022

On Wed, Sep 07, 2022 at 08:41:49PM +0000, Eli Adam wrote:

> > So I thought maybe we can drop names of all members who do not
> > reply to this mail with an indication of their LDAP username ?
> +1 elil
> (I'm on the list but not active so can be removed, there's a logic joke in there somewhere)

Thanks Eli, I've removed you from that list, but since
you're actually evidently active (as the logic suggests)
maybe you can confirm a bug that suggests you can still
log into the machines ?

  Bug to confirm:

  List we're cleaning up:

  New bug, just discovered:
  (Eli, I found you in that other list and removed you from there too)


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