[SAC] [Hosting] Brief Internet Outage (5:55 - 6:10AM PDT)

Lance Albertson lance at osuosl.org
Tue Aug 29 08:33:35 PDT 2023


Our upstream provider LinkOregon had an unplanned outage which caused our
internet connection to go offline for about 15 minutes a few hours ago.
Below are the details:

The CORV-KERR Data Center was briefly unavailable after losing power and
> the UPS crashing. Both power and UPS have been restored. This caused the
> Link Oregon equipment to reboot and for services to be down between 05:55
> and 06:10. No additional outages are expected at this time. OSU Staff are
> investigating root cause of the power event.

You can follow updates to this incident here [1].

This is a separate datacenter from where our equipment is hosted, however
it is in the same building. As far as I can tell, our systems were not
directly impacted by this power event.


Lance Albertson
Oregon State University | Open Source Lab
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