[OSGeo] #2306: Forum service - Discourse

OSGeo trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
Thu Dec 14 09:12:45 PST 2023

#2306: Forum service - Discourse
 Reporter:  jive         |       Owner:  sac@…
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:  Sysadmin Contract 2023-I
Component:  SysAdmin     |  Resolution:
 Keywords:               |
Comment (by robe):

 Replying to [comment:46 whynottrycalmer]:
 > Replying to [comment:41 robe]:
 > > I'm planning to install the activitypub plugin so folks on fediverse
 (like mastodon) can follow a topic - https://github.com/discourse
 > >
 > > Any other plugins people are interested in?
 > My go to are usually:
 > - https://www.discourse.org/plugins/solved.html
 > - https://www.discourse.org/plugins/reactions.html
 > Sometimes:
 > - https://www.discourse.org/plugins/docs.html

 Those look like good ones.  I'll try to install later tonight.
 What I hate about discourse is to install plugins I got to take down the
 site and wait for the image to rebuild.
 You have any thoughts on that or is that just the way it is.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2306#comment:47>
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