[SAC] Renewed Domains - Done

Torsten Friebe friebe at lat-lon.de
Sun Jan 1 10:29:21 PST 2023

Dear Alex,

Thank you for the renewal of the deegree.org domain. We appreciate the 
support by the OSGeo foundation for funding and the SAC team for the 
technical support over the last years.



Am 31.12.22 um 23:39 schrieb Alex Mandel:
> I went in and renewed the domains osgeo*, and deegree.org that were 
> coming up for renewal. Reminder, manually doing it for 5 year terms 
> saves $.
> For the treasurer, expect the following charge
> dnscontact at osgeo.org
> Bulk Renewal     Term     Price
> Renewal osgeo.org     5 years     $98.75
> Renewal osgeo.com     5 years     $82.85
> Renewal osgeo.net     5 years     $97.15
> Renewal deegree.org     5 years     $98.75
>       Total     $377.50
>       Balance Due     $0.00
> Thanks,
> Alex
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