[SAC] Pair Domains: featureserver.org EXPIRES on April 14th, 2023

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Fri Mar 31 12:40:19 PDT 2023

Added SAC to this mailing for discussion.


I was thinking about this more. Even though the original project that this domain was for is dead, it’s a good generic name for a project that is an OGC implementation of feature services.


So this could have value for many of our projects.  The following come to mind.



QGIS Server


pg_featureserv https://github.com/CrunchyData/pg_featureserv  (not an OSGeo project, but spearheaded by an OSGeo Sol Katz winner (Martin Davis), and a project that I consider an extension of the PostGIS project as it’s a light-weight wrapper around PostGIS functionality


I’d hate to see this domain go to the highest bidder who would only put spam on it.

Even if we don’t use it for a specific project, we could use it as a website to demo various ways each of our projects provide OGC compliant Feature Services.


That said, I’m changing my vote to +1 to renew for at least another year, with plans to decide what to do with it.


Does anyone else have thoughts on the matter?






From: Regina Obe [mailto:lr at pcorp.us] 
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2023 2:26 PM
To: 'Vicky Vergara' <vicky at erosion.dev>; 'treasurer at osgeo.org' <treasurer at osgeo.org>
Subject: RE: Pair Domains: featureserver.org EXPIRES on April 14th, 2023


I think it’s a dead project.  We should probably just let it expire unless someone renews it.


That might have mean been me testing to confirm it is dead.


I think it was a project of Chris Schmidt who is no longer active in OSGeo.




From: Vicky Vergara [mailto:vicky at erosion.dev] 
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2023 1:40 PM
To: treasurer at osgeo.org <mailto:treasurer at osgeo.org> 
Cc: Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us <mailto:lr at pcorp.us> >
Subject: Re: Pair Domains: featureserver.org EXPIRES on April 14th, 2023


Hello Regina,

The following was received from pair domains.

I navigated to 

with the following response:
Unable to connect

An error occurred during a connection to featureserver.org <http://featureserver.org> .

    The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
    If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer’s network connection.
    If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the web.

Do we need to renovate it?







On Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 2:57 AM Pair Domains Customer Care <support at pairdomains.com <mailto:support at pairdomains.com> > wrote:


We are sending this email because we've detected that you have a domain with an upcoming expiration date. 

The following domain is expiring within 15 days: 

*	featureserver.org <http://featureserver.org>  -- Expires in 15 days 

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This is a service-related email regarding your account at pairdomains.com <http://pairdomains.com> . If you have received this email in error, please contact support at pairdomains.com <mailto:support at pairdomains.com> . 

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