[SAC] [OSGeo] #3020: Creating backup of osgeo6 as lxc container on osgeo7

OSGeo trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
Sun Nov 5 11:17:53 PST 2023

#3020: Creating backup of osgeo6 as lxc container on osgeo7
 Reporter:  robe      |       Owner:  sac@…
     Type:  task      |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal    |   Milestone:  Sysadmin Contract 2023-I
Component:  SysAdmin  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:            |
Description changed by robe:

Old description:

> Doing this so we can test upgrades and other stuff.
> It went thru okay (first time I'm successfully using lxd-migration (a 5.0
> version though, couldn't get the new one to compile as it complained
> about dqlite, of which I had no success installing)
> Steps are listed in
> https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/sac/osgeo7/wiki/osgeo6-backup----IN-PROGRESS,
> but I'll repeat here since nothing top secret about it
> On osgeo6
> {{{
> sudo -i
> screen  #create new screen so if get disconnected will still be running
> # worked this time 54.8GB copied
> ./lxd-migrate
> 1) Url: https://osgeo7.osgeo.osuosl.org:8443
> 2) choose 1 - certificate token
>    a) create on osgeo7 using (lxd config trust add (specify osgeo6 for
> name), copy token
> 3) a) Choose create container
>   b) name: osgeo6-2023-11-05
> 4) root path: /
> 5) Extra mounts: yes
> 6) mount: /var
> 7) mount: /var/lib/mailman
> 8) mount: /home
> 9) enter #will end list
> 9) 1) begin migration
> Ctrl a d #exit out of screen and detach to keep it running
> screen -r #pick the job # to reconnect
> # after migration is complete
> systemctl enable rsyslog
> systemctl start rsyslog
> }}}
> Note I didn't bother copying /var/www, so sites will not start, most of
> that stuff is deprecated, so I plan to rsync it over after the container
> starts up.
> # on osgeo7
> {{{
> lxc start osgeo6-2023-11-05
> }}}
> It took a really long time to start up, was on "Remapping filesystem for
> long time (like 20 minutes)
> At this point it has no ip, cause well old was hard-coded
> # on osge7
> {{{
> lxc snapshot osgeo6-2023-11-05 before-changes
> lxc exec osgeo6-2023-11-05 bash
> }}}
> # in osgeo6 backup container
> {{{
> #disable services
> systemctl disable mailman
> systemctl disable postfix #stop mail from sending
> systemctl disable fail2ban
> systemctl disable bacula-fd
> systemctl stop mailman
> systemctl enable rsyslog
> systemctl stop cron.d
> systemctl disable cron.d
> #systemctl mask systemd-journald
> systemctl start systemd-journald
> systemctl disable munin-node #removed on osgeo6 so not needed to disable
> any more
> systemctl disable lvm2
> systemctl stop lvm2

> systemctl start rsyslog

> nano /etc/hostname #change to osgeo6-backup
> mv /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig
> touch /etc/fstab #save blank
> mv /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.orig
> nano /etc/network/interfaces #change
> ```
> #contents after changing to static private
> auto lo
> iface lo inet loopback
> auto eth0
> iface eth0 inet dhcp
> --
> ```
> reboot
> }}}
> #should have an ip at this point.
> In osgeo7 take another snapshot
> {{{
> lxc snapshot osgeo6-2023-11-05 after-network-dhcp
> }}}

New description:

 Doing this so we can test upgrades and other stuff.
 It went thru okay (first time I'm successfully using lxd-migration (a 5.0
 version though, couldn't get the new one to compile as it complained about
 dqlite, of which I had no success installing)

 Steps are listed in
 but I'll repeat here since nothing top secret about it

 On osgeo6

 sudo -i
 systemctl disable rsyslog
 systemctl stop rsyslog

 screen  #create new screen so if get disconnected will still be running

 # worked this time 54.8GB copied


 1) Url: https://osgeo7.osgeo.osuosl.org:8443
 2) choose 1 - certificate token
    a) create on osgeo7 using (lxd config trust add (specify osgeo6 for
 name), copy token

 3) a) Choose create container
   b) name: osgeo6-2023-11-05
 4) root path: /
 5) Extra mounts: yes
 6) mount: /var
 7) mount: /var/lib/mailman
 8) mount: /home
 9) enter #will end list
 9) 1) begin migration

 Ctrl a d #exit out of screen and detach to keep it running
 screen -r #pick the job # to reconnect

 # after migration is complete
 systemctl enable rsyslog
 systemctl start rsyslog

 Note I didn't bother copying /var/www, so sites will not start, most of
 that stuff is deprecated, so I plan to rsync it over after the container
 starts up.

 # on osgeo7
 lxc start osgeo6-2023-11-05

 It took a really long time to start up, was on "Remapping filesystem for
 long time (like 20 minutes)

 At this point it has no ip, cause well old was hard-coded

 # on osge7
 lxc snapshot osgeo6-2023-11-05 before-changes
 lxc exec osgeo6-2023-11-05 bash

 # in osgeo6 backup container
 #disable services
 systemctl disable mailman
 systemctl disable postfix #stop mail from sending
 systemctl disable fail2ban
 systemctl disable bacula-fd
 systemctl stop mailman
 systemctl enable rsyslog
 systemctl stop cron.d
 systemctl disable cron.d

 #systemctl mask systemd-journald
 systemctl start systemd-journald

 systemctl disable munin-node #removed on osgeo6 so not needed to disable
 any more
 systemctl disable lvm2
 systemctl stop lvm2

 systemctl start rsyslog

 nano /etc/hostname #change to osgeo6-backup
 mv /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.orig
 touch /etc/fstab #save blank

 mv /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.orig
 nano /etc/network/interfaces #change

 #contents after changing to static private
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback

 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet dhcp


 #should have an ip at this point.
 In osgeo7 take another snapshot

 lxc snapshot osgeo6-2023-11-05 after-network-dhcp

Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/3020#comment:4>
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