[OSGeo] #3033: lists.osgeo.org does not support port 587 starttls and mail.osgeo.org does not work with SSL

OSGeo trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
Sat Nov 18 19:32:32 PST 2023

#3033: lists.osgeo.org does not support port 587 starttls and mail.osgeo.org does
not work with SSL
 Reporter:  robe              |      Owner:  sac@…
     Type:  task              |     Status:  new
 Priority:  normal            |  Milestone:  Unplanned
Component:  SysAdmin/Postfix  |   Keywords:
 I ran into this issue recently when experimenting with setting up
 discourse and also ran into it setting up video.osgeo.org.

 Most apps these days default to port 587 / starttls.

 As far as I can tell port 587 on osgeo6 is not reachable from our other
 hosts (or not at all) though I thought it was at some point in time. Or
 maybe postfix is no longer using that port?

 At anyrate port 25 (with or without SSl works), port 465 with or without
 SSL works.

 I should also note that when ssl is enabled, mail.osgeo.org often fails
 cause I guess we have no cert for mail.osgeo.org.

 If we ever detangle lists.osgeo.org from the mail server, then this will
 become an issue.

 I'm almost tempted to start a new mail.osgeo.org perhaps running in a
 container, but not sure if that will cause issues.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/3033>
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