[OSGeo] #2306: Forum service - Discourse
trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
Wed Nov 29 09:41:27 PST 2023
#2306: Forum service - Discourse
Reporter: jive | Owner: sac@…
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: SysAdmin | Resolution:
Keywords: |
Comment (by whynottrycalmer):
Replying to [comment:37 robe]:
> Replying to [comment:35 whynottrycalmer]:
> > Hey folks,
> >
> > From what I've read here and on #sac:osgeo.org it's unclear whether
you expect or would like me or other folks to do concrete work for this
initiative. Not a big deal -- things look under control and you don't need
much help.
> >
> > Am I reading this correctly? I am not to complain about having *less*
or *no* work for this, but the offer to help is still on the table from my
> >
> > Otherwise, cool, looking forward to QGIS Discourse!
> Sorry didn't reply. Yes things are under control. I'm in the middle of
end of year obligations. But yes I do plan to get this going after I am
done with that. No help needed at the moment. I'll let you know when I
need it.
Great to hear, let me know when / if I can do anything to help.
Wholehearted thanks for doing this!
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2306#comment:38>
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