[SAC] [OSGeo] #2978: repo.osgeo.org contains 0 byte files
trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
Mon Sep 11 10:29:24 PDT 2023
#2978: repo.osgeo.org contains 0 byte files
Reporter: jive | Owner: jive
Type: task | Status: closed
Priority: critical | Milestone: Unplanned
Component: Systems Admin | Resolution: fixed
Keywords: |
Comment (by jive):
For organizations encountering this issue and wondering how an external
maven repository was filled with your "internal" metadata files ...
1. This seems to have occurred to a bug in the nexus software used by
repo.osgeo.org (the zero sized files). One of the caches we had setup,
geonetwork-cache, was incorrectly record zero byte files for every request
that came in.
2. I have completely removed the geonetwork-cache and all traces to my
knowledge of these zero byte files. So your "metadata" is no longer
visible in geonetwork-cache or osgeo-release.
3. Keep in mind the requests for your "internal" metadata.xml files are
still coming in. It is just we now correctly answering that we do not have
this information.
If you are concerned about the visibility of your organizations metadata
files - this is an ongoing concern with the configuration of some maven or
gradle build used within your development team.
Although these files are not present within our infrastructure - your
developers are making requests for these files constantly to
repo.osgeo.org (and any other maven repository your team is using world
It is not necessarily a problem asking public repositories for the
artifacts groups and artifact names used "internally" by your team. Just
keep in mind such requests will appear in the network traffic and logs of
each external repository your team makes use of.
To manage your team's configuration:
1. you should be running your own nexus maven repository
2. Your team should configure ~/.m2/settings.xml to mirror any external
repositories such as repo.osgeo.org to operative via your mirror.
3. Your mirror should cache repo.osgeo.org, with rules to only fetch the
jars (such as org.geotools.* that are required to support your operations
I also note that gradle allows fine grain control over how each repository
is used with includes/excludes control.
I personally use maven which does not offer such a facility as part of a
default install, instead using mirrors as described above:
* https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-mirror-settings.html
* https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-multiple-repositories.html
* https://maven.apache.org/resolver/remote-repository-filtering.html
Aside: I am volunteering to look at repo.osgeo.org on behalf of my
employer !GeoCat BV and our customers. We take part in a number of
projects including !GeoServer and !GeoNetwork. If you need further
assistance please reach out on these tickets.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/2978#comment:17>
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