[Hosting] Potential planned 8hr network outage 08/13-08/14

Lance Albertson lance at osuosl.org
Fri Aug 2 14:10:05 PDT 2024


We got the following email from LinkOregon that I wanted to pass on to you
which impacts our connectivity to the Internet:

On August 13, 2024 (08/13), Oregon State University (OSU) will be cutting
> both primary and backup power to its data center in the Kerr Administration
> building, to install new power distribution and backup equipment. This will
> take two of Link Oregon’s points of presence offline, resulting in a loss
> of all provisioned network services provided by Link Oregon at those POPs,
> over a period of approximately eight (8) hours (08/13-20:00 to 08/14-04:00).

To be clear, this *does not* affect the datacenter where we host all of our
servers so power will *remain online*. HOWEVER, this datacenter does house
our uplink to LinkOregon (our ISP) and their equipment will be offline
during the window above. That means our network connectivity will be
offline during the outage.

I am meeting with LinkOregon and OSU next Monday to see if we can at least
get a temporary connection to the secondary POP so that our outage is
minimal. I am doing my best to minimize this outage, however I wanted to
pass this information along so that you could make any adjustments you can
ahead of time.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact me directly.

Lance Albertson
Oregon State University | Open Source Lab
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