Trac tickets will no longer go to this list

Regina Obe lr at
Thu Jan 4 19:55:06 PST 2024

I've removed sac at from being cc'd on all
I also changed the cc all to go to sac-tickets at

So all future tickets should go here -

If you still want to be notified about these, then watch that category.

I discovered why the reason it didn't work before when Vicky and I were
trying to get discourse to receive these directly, is because of the trac

use_public_cc = disabled

Which caused trac to set the to address to undisclosed-recipients -- Thanks
strk for figuring that out.

Once I changed that to enabled,  the to address started showing in the
discourse email logs and it was able to properly put them in the right

I'm still trying to figure out why some of the responses I sent went into
the  (if it was
just continuing the thread or was looking at the owner of the ticket, some
of which were still set to sac at  I'm pretty sure the one
that went in sac-list, was one I had changed the owner to, so I suspect it
is prioritizing mail thread over the to/cc address.

I started moving all the sac ticket emails into the sac-tickets category to
reduce the clutter so that sac-lists will be purely true SAC dialogue.

I would like to very soon move the SAC mailing list to discourse (so it's
not just a mirror), but I'll start up a separate topic for that.


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