PSC Vote: Let's move this list to discourse

Regina Obe lr at
Thu Jan 4 22:49:44 PST 2024

> > And we have strk, who will serve as our official disgruntled user to
> > tell us all the ways this is not going to work for an email-only
> > preferring user and perhaps find solutions to make it work.
> I am one of those email-only preferring users as well and wish to then see clear
> instructions to keep the (former) list behavior (being often on the road it is much
> more convenient to get messages into the inbox rather than visiting discourse via
> browser). Will not be the only one
> :)
> Markus
> >
> > Thoughts, concerns.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Regina
> >

Yah I expect a lot of folks will want to correspond via email mostly.  So sorry if it sounded like I thought you were a small group.
But I'm not sure the best terms to use to explain it to people how they can continue to use email.
I'm not even sure the best place in discourse to post these instructions that will be easy for everyone to find.

Sandro had brought up some concerns about the formatting of the email, and that is what he was most worried about
and also impostering (which mailman has the same issue too as I understand it).
He has been successful receiving and sending emails and replying to threads, so the general email functionality is there,
It just might not be formatted in a way that a pro-email user is happy with and so I wanted to tackle that issue, cause it is the number one
thing holding us back from using discourse. Can it sufficiently handle all the use cases we had in mailman and how close can we get to that.

Part of the reason I want to use this group as a guinea pig, is I figure we can work together to come up with instructions 
that would be most understandable for everyone to follow regardless how they want to work via email only or web interface or even mastadon, and I'm not confident in my understanding
of how all the discourse stuff works and how people use mailing lists.

I'm also hoping with this group we can iron out any issues people may run into before more people get on board and come up with some instructions everyone can understand.

I'm still learning how all this discourse stuff works too, so not sure I'd be the best person to put together instructions.
Many people in this group are more skilled at the general workings of discourse than I am.


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