PSC Vote: Let's move this list to discourse

Sandro Santilli strk at
Fri Jan 5 04:47:47 PST 2024

On Thu, Jan 04, 2024 at 11:10:20PM -0500, Regina Obe wrote:

> To more efficiently test out the use of discourse, I feel the SAC mailing
> list is a perfect guinea pig.

I think we already have enough guinea pigs for now:

  - OSGeo fr
  - SAC tickets
  - pgRouting
  - QGIS (is this used?)

By the way, I see some stats from about how many "topics" are posted
per month but it's not detailed enough to show it for sub-categories
so I cannot tell of those 72 topics per month we have in the SAC
category how many are tickets and how many are messages on the list,
is that something that could be found somewhere else ?

> And we have strk, who will serve as our official disgruntled user to tell us
> all the ways this is not going to work for an email-only preferring user
> and perhaps find solutions to make it work.

Right, but I already found many problems and not all of them are fixed
so can we please set those guinea pigs in shape before inviting more ?


  Which I also saved as a "Discourse defects" saved report:


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