Fwd: Fwd: Receiving unsolicited email updates from Discourse and no options to unsubscribe

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Thu Jun 27 01:58:19 PDT 2024

Forwarding this message from Giovanni.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "G. Allegri" <giohappy at gmail.com>
To: sac at lists.osgeo.org
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2024 21:10:34 +0200
Subject: Receiving unsolicited email updates from Discourse and no options
to unsubscribe

I've started to receive email notifications from the QGIS/QGIS-it-user
Discourse channel (discourse.osgeo.org).
I've never requested to subscribe and, apparently, I don't have an account
on Osgeo Discourse with the email where I'm receiving the notifications
(which is the one I'm writing from now).

1 - I cannot unsubscribe from the emails. This is against the usual user
policies, where an option to unsubscribe should be available inside the
received emails (generally at the bottom).
2 - I cannot manage my subscription since I don't have an active user on
discourse.osgeo.org connected to my email (giohappy at gmail.com)
3 - I can't find any email contact or form to submit a support request.

Could you kindly let me know how I can unsubscribe without having to
blacklist discourse?
I also invite you to take action to make Discourse compliant with user


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