mailing list - was v17 kickoff
Jody Garnett
jody.garnett at
Tue May 14 14:24:28 PDT 2024
Consider as an opportunity to move to discourse (rather than create a new
email list?)
Jody Garnett
On Tue, May 14, 2024 at 1:09 PM Brian M Hamlin <maplabs at> wrote:
> Hello and best wishes from Berkeley, California
> very recently Angelos sent an email to #osgeolive email list with an
> announcement for the v17 kickoff -- great news
> However, immediately after that kickoff email, SPAM EMAIL returned to
> the email list.
> Here in Berkeley, I delete spam messages from the mailing list as
> needed. In the quiet months since the last #osgeolive, there is almost
> zero spam. Yet the day after the kickoff email and three replies, now
> there are dozens of new SPAM EMAIL messages coming in ?!
> SPAM EMAIL activity appears to be directly linked to the mailing list
> activity -- no emails, no spam / new emails, new spam.
> The kind of SPAM EMAIL on the mailing list is exactly the low-grade
> commercial kind in English, that someone else gets paid to send. Someone
> or something, has setup a responder to the email list to add commercial
> content SPAM EMAIL to this list when there is activity. The SPAM EMAIL
> that has been coming for almost a year now, is similar in format and
> content.
> The #osgeolive email list is a service to the public and "civil
> society".. it is a communications method between people that are far
> away and not linked otherwise. This spam activity inserts itself on top
> of a healthy, low cost and efficient link, like an infection. Worse, no
> one gets paid to build world class, excellent technology on #osgeolive
> but someone or some thing invades the list for tiny amounts of money,
> distracting and annoying those that are doing works for others and the
> environmental world.
> [0]
> Perhaps it is time to start a new email list, and notify the 210
> subscribers with a personal contact, to rebuild trust and put this EMAIL
> SPAM in the past. Other suggestions welcome
> best regards --Brian M Hamlin / MAPLABS / Berkeley, California
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