Mantra, mon joli mantra, dis moi qui est la plus belle ?

Even Rouault even.rouault at
Thu Sep 26 15:17:27 PDT 2024


at the risk of being perceived as a trouble maker, is there really 
really no alternative to that ... odd... (I highly edited my original 
wording) OSGeo initiation custom?

I mean: if you add together all the hours volunteers are spending 
repeating again and again the same question ("please share a link to a 
public page", et blabla et blabla), maybe a viable technical alternative 
could have been found instead.

Or do we think that we are really doing "community bonding" by requiring 
OSGeo incumbents to have to succeed in that step?

What are we trying to protect exactly? Spam to Trac wiki ? Well, easy, 
let's kill Trac wiki. Hint: I just did it to GDAL. Problem solved here.


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