[SeasonOfDocs] TheGoodDocsProject weekly meeting minutes

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Aug 13 16:10:06 PDT 2019

(Copied from memory, so possibly lacking some things).


Erin McKean
Cameron Shorter
Jo Cook
Sanket Totewar
Clarence Cromwell
Jennifer Rondeau


* Agreed to use DCO instead of CLA (to reduce contribution overhead)
Action on Cameron to formalise/finalise with motion to list
Action on Erin to ask Google legal if legal are prepared to share their 

* Erin has set up a Probot tool on our templates respository.
Action on Erin to share details.
Action on Cameron and others to test pull requests with and without a 

Email list:

* Sanket / Jo discussed pros of Git Discussions
* Jo noted concerns about possible need for an exit strategy to another 
system in future. Noted there is an API to export archives. This is a 
risk and might be messy, but it looks to be a suitable risk.
* Action on Jo and Sanket to explain their reasoning for suggesting Git 
* Action on Sanket to raise a motion to set up Git Discussions

Logo update:

* General support for Erin's docypus logo ideas
* Cameron note: make sure we have a sustainable logo, which doesn't 
depend upon continual funding and updating.
* Action: Erin to go ahead and use a Google designer to make a docypus 
options to be selected by committee. Erin to lead this initiative and 
only need refer to committee as required, and for final decision on logo 

Decision log:

* Erin has provided a decision log: 
* Action on everyone to review and provide feedback by next week

Docsy website:

* A few positive votes for using docsy, no negative. (Action on Erin to 
call this motion closed on email)
* Action on Sanket to share extra insights he has
* Action on Erin to go ahead and set up.

Style guide / Template naming convensions

* Rough concensus to go with Microsoft style guide (at least for the 
moment) for GoodDocsProject.
* Action on Clarence to draft up a CONTRIBUTING.md doc, probably in 
Google Docs, for review. To be discussed at next week's meeting.


* Felicity is about to start writing Quickstarts for OSGeoLive as part 
of SeasonOfDocs
* Erin doesn't have a Quickstart template available yet to share
* (Becky do you a quickstart template?)
* We do have legacy OSGeoLive Quickstart template material
* Jo suggests making use of QGIS/GeoNetwork Quickstarts which were 
updated for latest OSGeoLive release
* Suggestion we collectively build this template soon. I don't think 
anyone picked up this action

TheGoodDocsProject vs TheGoodDocs

* We have a mismatch between https://thegooddocsproject.dev/ and 
* We should align these two, probably in github
* Someone want to pick up this task?

Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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