AW: [Shapelib] DLL -> access violation
shapelib-admin at
shapelib-admin at
Tue Mar 2 12:59:13 PST 2004
shapelib-admin at wrote:
> I use VC++6.0. Make minimal project (dialog). (add the
> shapefil.h,shapelib.lib and shapelib.dll in the working directory
> Only add 3 things,
> 1.Include in stdafx.h
> 2.Linker: use shapelib.lib
> 3.Dialogclass: SHPHandle file = SHPOpen("michael_lines.shp","rb");
Instead of adding shapelib.lib to your project, try just adding the
shpopen.c and dbfopen.c source files into your project. Also, bring the
shapefil.h include file. My guess would be that you are using different
build options than were used for the shapelib.lib static library.
Best regards,
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