[Shapelib] geo::shapelib
daniel.babault at mbda.fr
Wed May 12 04:59:06 PDT 2004
I use your library on Windows XP within VisualBasic without any problems, but when I want to use it with perl it doesn'work.
Searching on internet I found some messages about my problem who seem to be link whith thread implementation.
I have contacted Bartolomeo TELARO who have same problem before, he doesnt test anymore but explain me what he does.
With aid of Bartolomeo, it works for me I have to compile Perl whithout Multi Threading.
Perhaps you can add something about it within your distribution.
What I do :
I download AP809_source.zip from ActiveState site and Geo-Shapelib-0.07.tar.gz
I edit Makefile in the win32 Perl subdirectory and comment out the option regarding multi-threading : I comment USE_MULTI, USE_ITHREADS and USE_IMP_SYS in order to compile.
I modify Geo-Shapelib-0.07\shapelib\Makefile.PL like this :
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
$Verbose = 1;
my @incdirs = ('/usr/include','/usr/local/include');
my $incs = '';
foreach (@incdirs) {
$incs .= " -I$_";
NAME => 'Geo::Shapelib::shputils',
INC => $incs,
DEFINE => '-ggdb -DDEBUG',
clean => {'FILES' => 'libshp$(LIB_EXT)'},
sub MY::top_targets {
pure_all ::
all :: static
static :: libshp$(LIB_EXT)
libshp$(LIB_EXT): $(O_FILES)
$(AR) /OUT:libshp$(LIB_EXT) $(O_FILES)
$(RANLIB) libshp$(LIB_EXT)
Compiling ant testing is OK on W2k with Visual Studio 6, I've made shapes with my perl program.
Best regards
PS excuse my poor english,my favorite language is french ...
Bourges FRANCE
daniel at babault.net
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