[SoC] Mentorship Limits

Wolf Bergenheim wolf+grass at bergenheim.net
Sat Mar 31 06:17:55 EDT 2007

On 31.03.2007 02:24, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Wolf Bergenheim wrote:
>> Some of the GRASS projects are duplicates, and as such I don't think we
>> should even mentor all of them. 
> Wolf,
> Ok, it would be good to work this out.

Some of these are sort of fall-back, so if one project doesn't get
accepted the second best would be nice to have etc.

>> I signed up as a volunteer meaning I'm prepared to mentor any ONE of
>> these. 
> Understood.  Note that the only way to be sure you get only one student
> is for you to be listed as the mentor of record for only one project before
> selection day.  You are in the same boat I was, initially offering for
> any one
> of a variety of projects.  We just need to get it narrowed down before
> final selection occurs.

I thought that was the Google way. I think I can perhaps mentor two
students, if a lot of applications are accepted. How do we handle cases
where one student has submitted many applications which are about
equally good? So should I only limit my mentoring willingness to those
which I think I can mentor at the same time? Yieks. that will be hard..

>> Also I thought that only one mentor per project was the limit. AFAIK
>> we have 
>> 2 GRASS mentors.
> Many mentors may offer to mentor a given student application.  Each OSGeo
> project (such as GRASS) may have many mentors participating in SoC.  If
> ultimately there are only two mentors from the GRASS community and they
> each
> are only willing to take on one student, then the GRASS PSC's ranking
> should
> *likely* only list two projects, one per mentor.

So you mean the OSGeo pool might have people from other projects willing
to mentor GRASS? Fine by me :)



<:3 )---- Wolf Bergenheim ----( 8:>

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