[SoC] uDig - Digital Elevation Model

Josef Bezdek josef.bezdek at gmail.com
Fri Jul 25 16:18:21 EDT 2008

Hi all.

I send weekly report. This week I  am still working on modul 
BerzierSurface. I had problem with determining of control points. Now I 
think, that I have some good results. You can see here:
TIN and contours extracted by linear interpolation: 
TIN with smaller bezier's triangles (level 10): 
TIN and contours extracted by linear interpolation from smaller 
triangles: http://geomatika.ic.cz/GSoC/Corel/Contour_10.png
contours (level 0 and level 10): 

Next week I will completly  finish module BezierSurface and want to 
start  plugin for uDig.

Greets Josef

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