[SoC] Re: SoC 2009

Christian Müller christian.mueller at nvoe.at
Sat Jan 10 11:13:54 EST 2009

I plan to participate, last year I did the imagemoasic-jdbc module for 
geotools. This year I want to develop another module in the 
geotools/geoserver project. 


Wolf Bergenheim writes: 

> Hello, 
> Happy new year to all and thank you all who made SoC 2008 a roaring
> success. :D 
> Google has announced that SoC *will* run this year but at a reduced
> scale. However there is no guarantee that we will be accepted as an
> organization. To have a better chance I'd like to get an early start. 
> So, let's get organized now for SoC 2009. If we can show that we have a
> lot of potential students lined up I'm confident that it will help us
> get accepted and maybe help us get the projects we want. 
> The first step would be to invite all who would be interested in
> mentoring to sign up to the OSGeo SoC mailing list[1]. At the same time
> we should go through last year's ideas page and check off projects that
> were done and that are no longer relevant. Once this is done it is time
> to start to come up with new ideas. It would be really nice if we could
> have a few ideas that cross the project boundaries. Yes I know it can be
> difficult. We should also think about talking to other projects that are
> somehow related to what we do, projects like PostGIS. Maybe work
> together on the Drupal Geo module?[2] 
> Lets keep the discussion on the soc list so that people who aren't
> interested in Soc won't be too much annoyed. ;) 
> So who's in? 
> --Wolf 
> [1] http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/soc
> [2] http://drupal.org/project/geo 
> --  
> <:3 )---- Wolf Bergenheim ----( 8:> 
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