[SoC] A idea for SOC

Wolf Bergenheim wolf+grass at bergenheim.net
Mon Mar 23 03:26:38 EDT 2009

Hi Omar,

This sounds interesting! Please start working with the OpenLayers team
(dev at openlayers.org) on this, and you also need to start working on the
application. But I do have to say that I like the idea. I'll be your
second beta tester after Markus!

You could also ask on the OSGeo geodata list (geodata at lists.osgeo.org)
if someone knows of some geo-bio-data available somewhere.

Wolf Bergenheim

On 19.03.2009 18:17, omar verduga wrote:
> Hi, i was thinking in develop a mashup with open layers using data for
> biological species using the metadata standar Darwin Core. I have
> already done some development using Darwin Core but i want to use the
> georefence tags used in DW for share data beetween OpenLayers and Darwin
> Core , i mean, seach and specie and see where it lives, or select a
> point or a box and see what species exist there.

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