[SoC] H2/OpenJUMP integration week 1

Wolf Bergenheim wolf+grass at bergenheim.net
Sat May 30 12:50:17 EDT 2009

Hi Christopher,

Thanks for your report.

On 05/29/2009 08:10 PM, Christopher wrote:
> The biggest problem I had this week was keeping JUMP's DataStore,
> JUMP's DataSource, and Java's DataSource frameworks all separate in
> my head.

Yikes! :)

> A second problem was that I was strapped for manhours this week due
> to my big wedding happening tomorrow 

Congrats to you both! I hope you had a fun party!

> My wiki page (hosted in the OpenJUMP wiki) is very rudimentary right 
> now, but will be expanded as new problems, choices, and solutions 
> appear.

Please post a link when you feel like you can show the page to the world :P


PS No, I'm not going to respond to all weekly reports, but I am going to
respond if I have questions or something is unclear to me.


Wolf Bergenheim (wolf+grass at bergenheim.net)

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