[SoC] Neo4j in uDIG and GeoServer

Wolf Bergenheim wolf+grass at bergenheim.net
Wed Apr 7 11:52:21 EDT 2010


On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 14:28, Craig Taverner <craig at amanzi.com> wrote:
> However, I have no experience with GeoServer, and my Geotools experience
> comes exclusively through my uDIG experience, which is why I originally
> proposed only the uDIG stack for GSoC. The student in question is less
> concerned about this, since he has Geoserver experience and is relying
> primarily on my Neo4j expertise and general GIS experience for mentoring
> him.
> I would like to know what the OSGeo position is on this. Can I mentor the
> GeoServer-Neo4j project, or should there be another mentor assigned, or
> should there be a co-mentor assigned?

In my opinion, and thus I guess the official OSGeo position is that it
would be fine. However, I'd be more comfortable with a second mentor
from GeoServer. We do after all aim to have two mentors per student,
this would be good in cross pollination of the Java projects IMHO :P
Perhaps a part-time co-mentor, while mentoring some other student.
More as a back up in case there is something which the student gets
stuck on.

Wolf Bergenheim
OSGeo GSoC 2010 Administrator

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