[SoC] Week 8 OpenCL Integration

Seth Price seth at pricepages.org
Tue Jul 20 23:19:33 EDT 2010

1) What did I do last week?
I've been getting the warper going with the OpenCL code. It now  
compiles, runs, and produces output imagery via the 'gdalwarp'  
command. The imagery is wrong, so don't get too excited. (but it's  
getting better with each fixed bug)

2) What I plan to do this week.
Test, fix, test, & fix. I'm going through and printing out the values  
at each step and comparing them to the regular code's values. After  
this is working, maybe I'll look at getting it into GRASS if I have  
time. It'd be nice to get r.sun done also.

3) Do I have any problems or obstacles which will interfere with my  
I'll be pretty busy this weekend for personal reasons.


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