[SoC] Re: [GRASS-dev] SoC proposal
Margherita Di Leo
diregola at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 19:12:52 EDT 2011
I would like to thank everyone of you for the answer.
I have to say that this project is not just my idea but it is the effect of
the discussion I had with Jarek on how the GUI shall work. We know that the
project is challenging and eventually the help of all of you is more than
appreciate, especially on the wxpython side.
I really hope to be worthy of your trust.
Thank you very much
2011/4/5 Helena Mitasova <hmitaso at unity.ncsu.edu>
> I can co-mentor as well - this could be another strong project by a student
> with excellent qualifications,
> Martin can you please add it to the ideas page - perhaps under raster so
> that we have everything in one place?
> Helena
> On Apr 5, 2011, at 10:43 AM, Markus Metz wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 4:37 PM, Martin Landa <landa.martin at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> 2011/3/31 Margherita Di Leo <diregola at gmail.com>:
> >>> I am willing to participate as student to GSoC with a GRASS GIS related
> >>> project.
> >>> I'm a third year PhD student and my main research interests lie in
> >>> hydrological modeling coupled with GIS.
> >>> My idea is the following: recently, in GRASS GIS new modules suitable
> for
> >>> hydrological analysis have been developed, r.stream*. I tested it and
> found
> >>> very complete and useful, I currently use it for hydrological analysis
> and
> >>> develop python scripts using it.
> >>> My idea for GSoC is to develop a sophisticated Graphical User Interface
> in
> >>> wxpython for r.stream*.
> >>> GIMP users may know the Filter Pack, that allow to see the preview of
> the
> >>> effects over an image. I imagine the r.stream* GUI something like that,
> in
> >>> which it's possible to see rapidly on a small portion of the area of
> >>> interest the result of the hydrological analysis, and then decide if
> apply
> >>> the analysis or not.
> >>>
> >>> It will include "multiple previews". Every result can be saved as an
> image
> >>> and set of parameters for future use in additional "preview windows",
> next
> >>> choose from group of possible parameters that which is most suitable.
> >>> Also, changing the extend of sample area will be available "on the
> fly".
> >>>
> >>> Parameters that shall to be shown are:
> >>> * network (vector) + optionally (order + elementary basins +
> >>> distance/elevation)
> >>>
> >>> Parameters to change:
> >>> * threshold
> >>> * Montgomery exponent
> >>> * SFD treshold
> >>>
> >>> Optionally:
> >>> * Flow accumulation map
> >>> * Map of depressions
> >>>
> >>> The advantage of such a graphical interface is to allow the user to
> have a
> >>> simple approach to a sophisticated thing like hydrology. Many
> hydrologists
> >>> use other GIS suites because they simply don't know or don't know how
> to use
> >>> r.stream*. I believe that such a GUI could improve the user approach to
> >>> hydrological analysis in GRASS.
> >>>
> >>> My tentative of timeline is the following:
> >>>
> >>> 2 weeks: design interface based on other similar software
> >>> 3 weeks - midterm goal: get a preview widget working in grass7
> >>> 3 weeks: add functionality and documentation
> >>> 1 week: testing
> >>> final goal: working GUI for grass7
> >>
> >> I could be co-mentor for this project (wxGUI part), anyone interested
> >> to mentor this project from hydrological modeling point of view?
> >>
> > I could co-mentor the hydrological component.
> >
> > Markus M
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