[SoC] Integration of GGL2 into gvSIG - Weekly report

Víctor González victorzinho at gmail.com
Sun Jul 17 16:52:37 EDT 2011


I just updated the wiki with the weekly report. You can find all the info

   - *What have I done?*
      - *Wrap gvSIG readers/writers*: I have wrapped the SHP reader/writer
      from gvSIG. I haven't developed tests yet, but this code:

reader SHP maps to org.gearscape.ggl.readers.gvsig.SHPReader;
writer SHP maps to org.gearscape.ggl.readers.gvsig.SHPWriter;

read SHP '/tmp/mySHP.shp' to shp;
write SHP shp to '/tmp/mySHP2.shp';

copies the shapefile succesfully. The design allows the creation of new
wrappers by extending the abstract class (AbstractGvsigReader or
AbstractGvsigFileWriter) and developing a single method getFeatureStore for
readers and createFeatureStore for writers.

   - *What am I going to do now?*
      - *Test developed readers/writers*: Before developing more wrappers, I
      find it necessary to test the developed code to ensure its
correction. Once
      we hace tests for the first wrappers, create new ones would be easier.
   - *Any blocking issue?* I had a problem this week that blocked me for a
   couple of days. The error was detected while initializing the fmap library
   from gvSIG and I had to ask for a solution in the mailing list. Fortunately,
   people were very helpful and I managed to solve it fast.

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