[SoC] Add support to vector data formats for gvSIG Mini - Report 9

Fernando Pinotti fpllacer at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 16:16:38 EDT 2011


this is my weekly log [1]

* Performed changes on the GPE API, now I have to submit a patch to the
gvSIG tracker.
* Talked to my mentor to define the scope of the rest of the program.

* None

*Work for the next week*:

* Build a GPE driver to allow gvSIG Mini load a (GPX, KML or GML) file
from the file system.
* The tasks until the end of the summer are related to Android:
** Build the UI to load files locally
** Build the UI to show the list of features of a GPE layer
** Build the UI to show the detail of a feature of a GPE layer.

[1] https://confluence.prodevelop.es/display/GVMN/Weekly+log



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