[SoC] [mentors] OSGeo ranking procedure

Anne Ghisla a.ghisla at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 03:38:34 EDT 2012

Hello mentors,

following previous mail about slots allocation, this week is dedicated
to student rankings.

The procedure is the same as previous years. The 5 stars scoring on
Melange is not used. Instead, make your comments in Melange and put
forward your willingness to mentor any project which you'd take on
using the button there.

Each OSGeo project has to decide which (if any) of the applications
for their particular project they like, and rank the viable ones.
Please then send your project's ranking and primary mentor selections to
me, Wolf and Hamish. (organize that internally as you like, but
don't send it to this public mailing list).
Once those results are all in, we will arrange them in Melange as
needed and we'll progress from there. 

Please send the rankings by Tuesday, 17th April.

Thank you,

OSGeo SoC Administrator
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