Anne Ghisla a.ghisla at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 05:57:51 EDT 2012

On Wed, 21 Mar 2012 10:05:29 +0100
Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it> wrote:

> Il 21/03/2012 10:04, Alexander Bruy ha scritto:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm Alexander Bruy, involved in the development of QGIS (core and
> > plugins developer, maintainer of the Russian User Guide and PyQGIS
> > CookBook translations). I would be happy to mentor a GSoC student
> > in a project connected with QGIS.

> Same for me. Last year I co-mentored the Processing Framework plugin.
> All the best.

Thanks Alex and Paolo for your [co]mentoring availability!

Please remember that mentoring is often quite demanding in terms of
time and energies, especially if you didn't work with the student
before. Feel free to ask previous years' mentors about their
experience, and of course here on the list.

However, it can happen that great student proposals that have no
developer with experience on the topic nor is available to mentor. It
is a particular edge case where we are inclined to accept the proposal,
and bind it to a "placeholder" mentor. But this can only be done if the
student will be supported by the developers community as a whole.

Please consider this situation as unusual. Each participating OSGeo
project should first match good proposals to available and expert
mentors. Only if some very good proposal is missing a mentor and the
devs community is available to step in, then make it clear to the
student and to the OSGeo admins, and we will sort it out.

See http://tinyurl.com/mentor-selection for the statement we wrote on
the GSoC Application.

All the best,
OSGeo GSoC Administrator
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