[SoC] Weekly report - ScribeUI

Jessica Lapointe jlapointe at mapgears.com
Fri Jun 21 13:35:02 PDT 2013

Hi list,

This is my weekly report for the ScribeUI, which includes my work from the
past few weeks. I started early since I won't be available from june 27th
to July 12th, due to my participation to the wordskills competition.

*Week 1:*
*Work done: *
Installation / config of the existing files, and a lot of discussion with
the people from mapgears as to what we want the project to become, what
kind of functionalities we want to see, etc.
None, appart maybe from prioritizing the ideas everybody were having :)

*Week 2:*
*Work done: *
Week's 1 conclusions were mainly that the GUI was the most important thing
to work out before doing a release. So that week was mostly about mockups.
Then re-doing the mockups. And doing them again.
The final result can be seen on the project's blog:
I also started looking around at code, poking around and understanding.

No problems that week either.

*Week 3 (this week): *
*Work done:*
I got into the GUI, restructuring everything, lots of work but lots of fun.
I did not have time to finish up, but it already feels fresher than the
*Next week:*
Next week I plan on finishing the GUI and making the first release. I'm
going to Germany though, time might be tight, but there isn't too much left
to be done, it should be alright.
*Problems encountered: *
Some surprises on the css part, but overall it went pretty well.

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