[SoC] Gsoc 2013 Proposal : Extend OSGeo4W Installer

Lord Flaubert Steve Ataucuri Cruz lord.ataucuri at ucsp.edu.pe
Fri May 3 06:40:24 PDT 2013

Hi All,

I am applying for GSoC 2013 for OSGeo4W. You can see the complete proposal
at melange[1].

Short Description -

Main goal for this project is develop functionalities in order to ask to
the end users by an EULA license for proprietary libraries and building the
majority of OSGeo components to x86-64 bits on Windows as well as  improve
the current OSGeo4W installer

comments ,feedback and suggestion are welcome.


Best regards,

Steve Ataucuri Cruz
School of Computer Science,
San Pablo Catholic University - Arequipa, Peru (http://www.ucsp.edu.pe),
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 stonescenter at hotmail.com (Windows Live Messenger)
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