[SoC] OSGeo accepts 22 students for Google Summer of Code 2013

Anne Ghisla a.ghisla at gmail.com
Mon May 27 12:05:04 PDT 2013

Hello all,

let us warmly welcome the 22 accepted students for this round of GSoC!

We received over 30 proposals from a variety of geospatial projects,
and we accepted proposals from (in alphabetical order): GEOS, GRASS GIS,
gvSIG, istSOS, MapServer, Opticks, OSGeo4W, OpenStreetMap, OSSIM,
software packaging, pgRouting, QGIS and uDig/GeoTools.

The list includes OSGeo projects (official and incubating) and
like-minded projects such as OSM, pgRouting, uDig and istSOS - let GSoC
be a "gathering of tribes", an occasion to improve communication among
all geospatial open source initiatives.

See the full list of OSGeo students here:

We wish all students and mentors a great summer!

Anne, Hamish and Dustan
OSGeo GSoC Admins

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