[SoC] GSoC 2014 - OTB project weekly report: week 13

Martina Porfiri martina.porfiri at uniroma1.it
Mon Aug 18 10:09:17 PDT 2014

​Hi all,

below you can find the week report n°
Work done

   - I have refined GlCoverFlowView class focusing my attention on the two
   functions 'FirstPos' and 'UpdatePos' in order to define and apply right
   screen positions to the loaded images

   - In this way, I have finally developed a dynamic CoverFlow
   visualization mode (see a brief demonstration at ICE-OpenGL CoverFlow
   pressing left and right keys loaded images page through along the x
   direction and, progressively, the selected (centered) image is in evidence
   respect to the others

   - I have 'scrubbed' the code for the final version and documented all
   source code with Doxygen special documentation blocks in order to generate
   relative documentation

   - I have updated the remote repository with both code and README
   instruction final versions

Future ideas / How can my idea be expanded

First of all the application requires some refinements, as allowing to
manage all file formats. Then, a first extension of this project could be
its integration in Monteverdi2 software in order to supply also this
applicaion to the users. Moreover, taking into account the ESA Sentinel-1
mission, it coulb be useful and interesting expanding these functionalities
to data acquired by SAR satellites, in particular to manage large
interferometric stacks.

*Project links:*

Wikipage: http://wiki.orfeo-toolbox.org/index.php/GSoC_2014_project
Repository: https://bitbucket.org/Mporfiri/gsoc_2014

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