[SoC] Cartaro Ideas for Google Summer of Code 2014

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 13 14:02:14 PST 2014

[guest project requests --> cc Anne]

On Friday, February 14, 2014 7:19 AM, Friedjoff Trautwein | geOps <friedjoff.trautwein at geops.de> wrote:
Dear OSGeo GSoC 2014 admin team,
>Dear Hamish,
>please excuse our late mail, we were not aware about OsGeo's 
>participation at GSoC before we read your mail today.
>We would like to be part of the GSoC as guest project of OsGeo. Our 
>project is Cartaro, which is already included at the OsGeo Live CD since 
>Version 6.5.
>Cartaro provides geospatial functionality and web services within the 
>Drupal Content Management System (CMS). It is builds upon robust Open 
>Source components: the PostGIS database, GeoServer and GeoWebCache web 
>services, OpenLayers maps in the browser, all managed from within the 
>powerful Drupal CMS.
>The list of ideas and mentors  can be found in our idea page here: 
>We would be very happy to participate. If any changes or additional 
>information is required, please write me an email directly.
>Thanks in advance,
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