[SoC] Weekly Report #10: Implementing VRP-Pickup and Delivery Problem for pgRouting

Manikanta Kondeti mani.iiit123 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 26 08:21:12 PDT 2014

Hi all,

*Project*: Implementing VRP-PDPTW for pgRouting.
*Report Number*: 10

* <My initial plan: >*

* Implementing a few things with OOP and try to write the optimizer.

*<What did I do this week>*

* As per the plan I've re-implemented and designed a few things. Now most
of them in objects for a better understanding.
* Wrote an optimizer which is partially working.
* Tested it with all the input files and its working for every test case.

*<What will I be working on next week?>*

* I will be working on Integration into pgRouting which will be my final
task for the project.
* After that I ll be on optimizer again.

*<Did I meet with any stumbling blocks? >*

* A few postgresql and postgis errors. Sorted it out

*Important links*:

Link to Weekly Report:

Link to code repository:

Link to my wiki page:

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