[SoC] Available for mentoring

Jonas Eberle jonas.eberle at gmx.de
Wed Mar 12 15:42:27 PDT 2014

Hi all, 

my name is Jonas, Phd candidate with focus on web based geo processing in the field of earth observation. Therefore I am using and working with PyWPS a lot. I am available for being a mentor for the idea about process chaining capabilities for PyWPS [1]. Three years ago I did my master thesis in the field of OGC Web Processing Services in combination with process chaining. I find GSoC a good possibility to enhance existing open source software and develop and provide new features. For these reasons I'd like to a be a mentor for PyWPS and the process chaining idea. 

Thanks and cheers, 

[1] = https://github.com/jachym/pywps-4/wiki/GSOC-2014-ideas#wiki-process-chaining-capabilities 

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