[SoC] Preparation of ideas pages for GSoC 2015 (deadline: 18th February!)

Manuel Grizonnet manuel.grizonnet at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 11:07:27 PST 2015


For OTB: http://wiki.orfeo-toolbox.org/index.php/Proposals_for_GSoC_2015



2015-02-11 16:24 GMT+01:00 Margherita Di Leo <diregola at gmail.com>:

> Dear All,
> *GSoC 2015* was officially announced earlier this year. The applications
> for mentoring organizations are now open and this year Hamish Bowman and
> myself will be applying for OSGeo's participation.
> The application deadline for mentoring organizations is the 20th of
> February, and right after that, Google will proceed examining the
> organizations. The showcase for evaluating the applications are the *GSoC
> ideas pages* [1], and for this reason, they need to be in perfect shape.
> This means that OSGeo teams are required to set up and shape their pages
> this week, coordinating their teams through their dev mailing lists. The
> pages will then linked to the main GSoC 2015 ideas page on the wiki.
> Please bear in mind that there is no guarantee whatsoever of the
> acceptance by Google based on the success of previous years, but they will
> judge the organizations only on the basis of ideas pages for 2015.
> Please forward this email to your project leaders and past GSoC mentors,
> and start listing ideas right away!
> Please cc soc list with your doubts and questions.
> [1] http://en.flossmanuals.net/GSoCMentoring/making-your-ideas-page/
> Best regards,
> Dr. Margherita DI LEO
> Scientific / technical project officer
> European Commission - DG JRC
> Institute for Environment and Sustainability (IES)
> Via Fermi, 2749
> I-21027 Ispra (VA) - Italy - TP 261
> Tel. +39 0332 78 3600
> margherita.di-leo at jrc.ec.europa.eu
> Disclaimer: The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not
> in any circumstance be regarded as stating an official position of the
> European Commission.
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Manuel Grizonnet
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