[SoC] Report 4 - GSoC - OpenTripPlanner - GTFS-RT Validator

Nipuna Gunathillake nipuna777 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 21 13:24:36 PDT 2015


My progress for the fourth week of GSoC project GTFS-RT validator tool.

project link: https://github.com/CUTR-at-USF/gtfs-realtime-validator

*1) What do I have completed this week?*

   - Changed the feed identification to a generalized form (No longer
   checks for a feed type)
   - Allowed adding variable amount of real-time feeds (No longer
   restricted to three)
   - The feed URLs are now passed on to the monitor page
   - Various javascript fixes for validating the URLs provided
   - Discussed the background task and changed to a singleton
   implementation (This will be extended to be able to monitor multiple feeds
   simultaneously next week)

*2) What am I going to achieve for next week?*

   - Enabling running separate threads for each unique feed.
   - Saving monitored information in a database
   - Writing GTFS data associated with the Real-time feeds (Using the
   OBA module

*3) Is there any blocking issue?*

   - No

Best Regards,

Nipuna Gunathilake.
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