[SoC] Report 5 - Integration of geospatial OSS in educational notebooks
Massimo Di Stefano
epiesasha at me.com
Sun Jun 28 21:26:32 PDT 2015
Integration of geospatial OSS in educational notebooks <https://render.githubusercontent.com/view/ipynb?commit=61a971050c00a357c089de62f571e8689f208c2e&nwo=epifanio%2FIPython_notebooks&path=OSGeo-live%2Fosgeolive-gsoc-2015%2FReport%2FWeekly+report+5.ipynb&url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Fepifanio%2FIPython_notebooks%2F61a971050c00a357c089de62f571e8689f208c2e%2FOSGeo-live%2Fosgeolive-gsoc-2015%2FReport%2FWeekly%2520report%25205.ipynb#Integration-of-geospatial-OSS-in-educational-notebooks>
Week 5 report <https://render.githubusercontent.com/view/ipynb?commit=61a971050c00a357c089de62f571e8689f208c2e&nwo=epifanio%2FIPython_notebooks&path=OSGeo-live%2Fosgeolive-gsoc-2015%2FReport%2FWeekly+report+5.ipynb&url=https%3A%2F%2Fraw.githubusercontent.com%2Fepifanio%2FIPython_notebooks%2F61a971050c00a357c089de62f571e8689f208c2e%2FOSGeo-live%2Fosgeolive-gsoc-2015%2FReport%2FWeekly%2520report%25205.ipynb#Week-5-report>
What have I completed this week?
working on introductive notebook <https://github.com/epifanio/IPython_notebooks/blob/master/OSGeo-live/osgeolive-gsoc-2015/notebooks/Introduction.ipynb> (note the hyperlink doesn't work on git, they are supposed to work inside the live as they point to relative paths)
I revisited the notebook layout, the first topic (I/O) is now dedicated to Access to Geospatial Data and will include 3 main notebooks:
GDAL/OGR Quickstart - bash <https://github.com/epifanio/IPython_notebooks/blob/master/OSGeo-live/osgeolive-gsoc-2015/notebooks/GDAL-OGR%20Quickstart.ipynb>) almost finished
Introduction to GDAL Python bindings (studing here <http://www.gis.usu.edu/~chrisg/python/2008/>)
A quickstart to the OSSIM library - bash (draft initiated, not committed yet)
finish to fixed bugs on GRASS notebooks <https://github.com/epifanio/IPython_notebooks/commits/master/OSGeo-live/projects/GRASS>
getting familiar with fpm <https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm> for debian packaging
working on Jupyter installer (replace pip installed libraries with .deb where possible, and packaging .debs otherwise)
still readig GISandT_Body_of_knowledge <http://downloads2.esri.com/edcomm2007/bok/GISandT_Body_of_knowledge.pdf> as source of information for the topics structure
What am I going to achieve next week?
Continue and finish the first set of notebooks dedicated to Access to Geospatial Data (Gdal Python and Ossim notebooks)
Start to work on the set of notebooks dedicated to Numerical Cartography (coordinate conversion, linear transformation (traslation, rotation, scale), coordinate transformation (datum trasformation), appication to ogr via python)
continue the work on the repository structure and navigation menu (this will never finish as things are still moving around)
Are there any blocking issue?
i'm still behind with the time-line but i'm quickly catching up. The structure, order and content of the notebooks is rapidly evolving as i make progrsses. Hopefuly it will be more stable in the next weeks, especially after consulting with the OSGeo community at the foss4g EU which i will attend.
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