[SoC] Report #6 - VistSOS Data Visualization Framework

Felipe Poveda felipe07 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 3 11:52:15 PDT 2016

Dear all,

I am working on VistSOS: a data visualization framework for istSOS[1].

1. What did you get done this week?

   - I implemented an HTML Import Web Component to manage the generation of
   the chart.
   - I implemented a Custom HTML Element to be the embedded part of the
   chart in the client website.
   - I connected VistSOS with the istSOS Javascript Core API in order to
   get observations.
   - I've migrated the implemented functionality that generates the chart
   in order to make it compatible with the developed Web Components.
   - Some dependencies were migrated to bower.

2. What do you plan on doing next week?

   - I have to finish the implementation of the Multiseries chart with
   multiple X axes.
   - Evalute and implement -if possible- a full histogram divided in parts
   and a cumulative histogram.
   - Include more configuration options in the prototype, like a second
   color, scale and others.

3. Are you blocked on anything?


Have a great week.
*Felipe Poveda*
*VistSOS project*
*GSoC 2016*

[1]: https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/VistSOS_Data_Visualization_Framework
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