[SoC] GSoC 2016 - GRASS PyQt

Ondřej Pešek pesej.ondrek at gmail.com
Sat May 28 02:22:49 PDT 2016


here is report of what I have done during this week in my GRASS GSoC
Project (PyQt based GUI of GRASS generated automatically from XML):

WEEK 1 (23 - 27 May)

Designed basic GUI shuck. From XML is now automatically generated GUI with
name, keywords and basic layouts (description, tabs, buttons).

Code now works as a script with parameter - for example r.buffer (python
forms.py r.buffer).

In next week I should implement some Qt widgets (Qlineedit, checkbox...).

Best regards,

See pictures at wiki page:

virů. www.avast.com
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